Intimacy Direction & Coordination

Intimacy Direction (as it is called for theatre and live performance) and Intimacy Coordination (as it is called for Film & TV), are the first ever roles in the entertainment industry that formalize and streamline the process of choreographing and performing scenes of intimacy on stage and screen.

This method revolves around creating specific and repeatable choreography that effectively reflects the director's vision within the actors’ personal boundaries. Whether on set or in a rehearsal room, an intimacy professional is a servant to both the story itself and the safety of everyone involved in the production.

From the Intimacy Directors & Coordinators website:

“Intimacy professionals are

  • performer advocates,

  • communication specialists, and

  • movement designers

that improve the artistry in intimate scenes and the experience for everyone working on them.

Implementation of intimacy direction/coordination supports the whole creative team and builds trust and communication within the ensemble. This eases unnecessary discomfort and awkwardness, and assists in preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.”

For more information about Intimacy Direction or Intimacy Coordination, visit,, or

Childbirth Direction & Coordination

J. C.’s Childbirth Direction & Consultation services grow out of their training as an Intimacy Director and doula.

In much the same way that scenes of sexual and physical intimacy in live performance are often neglected in terms of artistry and safety, scenes of childbirth are often glossed over with the assumption that if the actor just screams enough and then a baby appears, audiences will get the picture.

While this may be true in some cases, there is so much more that we can be doing with these stories!

Not only this, we have so much responsibility to the actors telling them to make sure that they feel safe and supported amidst complicated power dynamics regarding storytelling about their own bodies. Some have never experienced childbirth, while others have and don’t have the tools to differentiate the character’s experience from their own. This is where a Childbirth Director or Consultant can be a valuable asset.

J.C.’s pecialties in this area include stories of:

  • Birth trauma

  • Non-traumatic/empowering birth

  • Queer and trans birth

  • Period-accurate historical birth

If you are in pre-production or production for a project that will depict a story of childbirth, reach out to J. C. to learn how they may be able to support you and your team.

Stage Directing

Live performance directing credits include Bert V. Royal’s Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead, August Strindberg’s Creditors, Maid Julie also adapted from Stringberg, and original electrifying adaptations Faust and Sharks.

Fight Direction

When accessible, J. C. offers Fight Direction services for productions that will be performed live such as theatre, opera, and dance.